LeadHERship Revolution is personal coaching for professional and executive women.
There are 3 ways to work with Wendy, the first step is a complimentary
Jump-start your transformation
Turn busy-ness and over-extending into purposeful alignment with the life that you dream of. Realize that the common denominator between your relationships (including the one with your job) is YOU! Once you start working on your own transformation and get re-connected to yourself, the rest will fall into place.
VIP+ includes a VIP day dedicated just to you, four 60-minute coaching sessions, a personality assessment, and a 911 call with Wendy.
LeadHERship Circle:
Reconnect to the Essence of Who You Really Are By Moving Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart
Do you know that feeling you get when you really connect deeply with the love of another person or being? For just a minute, close your eyes and think about your soul mate, or your children, or your best friend or your beloved family pet. Yes….that feeling! The feeling that makes your heart swell. What if this was the point of origin that we operated from, all the time, in every situation. What would that make available to you and to those you lead? How would you show up differently and how might that open the door for others to follow in your footsteps? I would venture to guess that, for the most part, that’s not at all how you are being at work. In fact you probably are operating more as a human doing than a human being. We’ve become disconnected from our heart and, girl, it’s wearing us out! So let’s change that.
The Heart Swell LeadHERship Circle is an Invite Only 9-month LeadHERship Experience. It includes a poignant combination of 1-on-1 support and community connection, experiences, and training that will take your leadership to the next level, while aligning you with your heart. To access the Heart Swell LeadHERship Circle, join Wendy Lee for one of her programs, above. If you are a current or past client, inquire with Wendy directly.
LeadHERship Breakthrough Strategy Session
Are you ready to lead differently? Imagine yourself being fully expressed at work, radiating love and attracting massive curiosity about what you’re up to as a leader. Imagine experiencing harmony and flow, so you get more done with less effort, knowing you can soften your approach without sacrificing results. Release perfection and fear so you can make the difference you’re really here to make. Be influential in the conversations you REALLY want to be in and create an environment of true collaboration. All while having a rich personal life. This is all possible and more. It all starts within, on that path to your heart.
In this 1-on-1 session, you’ll partner with Wendy to bring awareness to any barriers that may be blocking you from leading this way, and access tools that will guide you to break through to the other side.
**Would you like to win a free session with Wendy? Sign up for our FREE workshop below to learn how.
How to Drop Into Your F-Bomb at Work to Create Contagious Influence™.
The F-Bomb at work? What the What! No, this is not the F-Bomb that will land you in HR! It’s the one that is going to create a revolution, and women leaders like yourself, will be at the helm of this new and exciting way of doing business. Imagine a balanced workplace that values collaboration over competition, creativity over results and sees vulnerability as a strength not a weakness. And yes, you still get to be the badass leader that gets it done and makes a difference!
In this 4-day retreat, we will work together to discover how to connect with your feminine power to create a sense of balance and alignment, experience true freedom in your life by leaning into healing and connection, and rediscover your fun and playful side.